Bad Book Titles

One of the keys to a successful book is a great title - like my new book, Good Luck Mr. Gorsky. Isn't that catchy?
By contrast, here are some bad book titles. What were they thinking??
Children’s Letters to Connie Chung
Children’s Letters to Maury Povich
Mike Pence’s Life Lessons, Love Lessons
Hitler’s Guide to Online Investing
Teach Your Pet Racism
Empty Out Your Resentment Bucket & Fill Up Your Love Box!
I Remember Stalin (Not The Famous One)
Orprah-cise Your Life!
Over Complicaters Anonymous – 311 Steps To Recovery
My Take On World Events By Donnie Most
Dave Konig a 3 time Emmy winning comedian and
the author of the novel Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky.
"Dave Konig is a great comedian and this is a great novel. It will really take you back to grimy, dirty pre-Giuliani New York. I love it because I love reading about New York City in the '80's." - Mark Simone, WOR Radio